::: life:::
"Mama always said life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!" Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump tonight in the car, coming back from Ravenna, came out this sentence and I realized that this is so: in life you never know what happens to you .. that happens then so too with boxes of chocolates I know I will not say .. are not fond of chocolates .. I'm amazed by the turn which has made my life a turn pink shades .. and pink, you know, is one of my favorite colors .. for the rest well, is failing in my commitment to "quit" smoking, this weekend I did not set too .. addition to this sin in general I must say that I have saved so much and I'm broken .. then today I really have to go by Enel to say that I have been sending bills crazy .. not know where to find the will but I have to do. maybe another shower enlighten me .. 'm putting here to post ciacole better off with a Vicenza msn. post scritto ascoltando varie anni '80
::: Saturday, July 26:::
: :: brum brum:::
"Sono 106 miglia per Chicago. Abbiamo il serbatoio pieno, mezzo pacchetto di sigarette, è buio, e portiamo tutt'e due gli occhiali da sole" elwood, the blues brothers perchè questa citazione? non lo so, diciamo che oggi il mio cervello ci mette un po' a connettere.. mi è venuta ricordando la serata di ieri sera.. ieri sera donnina ha fatto una cosa che mai avrebbe pensato.. went around in a lotus .. but believe us? I am not so .. and think I could even ride it with me but I had no glasses .. usually little woman is not interested in machines, especially machines sborone, but it was really funny .. indeed, say that the exact term is exciting. but in the true sense of the word .. tonight I'll be back in Vicenza forget to retrieve the shoes last weekend but should saltami him. are quite dead .. car belonging yesterday evening was a busy evening .. cocktails, dinner, ammazzacaffè .. oh God put me on the street at the thought of me is wrong. that sucks. I finish writing something and eat .. so why should you .. have anything but hunger. I have a great desire to smoke. I told you that little woman has reduced its consumption of cigarettes, two packs a day to a package in two days? that good. not like giving up but for me it is already a major achievement. know little woman seeking roommates @ @? I put an ad up for rooms to rent and we hope well .. listening post written anything
::: day blacks:::
"Love is poor if his love is absent" james joyce
I was tempted to write this post tonight, but sleep won. better because it was overflowing with pessimism and irritation. sorry but when you can not remember the last number of years in history had one can not be sad .. and when you do not understand why there is no being in your life, in absolutely no way .. Well, then morale is really below zero. if it happens then the only man alive who does not trumpet before marriage, well, excuse me, but it makes you cut your veins. veins are cut but not me say that I prefer not to see him for a while ', long time .. say that if you do not see it the more I have only to gain. but why are so unlucky? the world because there is (a number) a person who may have an interest in me? but I've done wrong? -where did I go wrong? a volte temo che potrei impazzire.. anche perchè la situazione odierna è molto peggio che nel passato.. sono arrivata al punto che un ometto non lo vedo nemmeno per della sana attività motoria.. uno qualsiasi, non pretendo un brad pitt o roba del genere. ma porc.. le bestemmie si sprecano.. cazzo se volevo una vita di merda.. donnina zitta che certe cose non si devono dire. chiudo qui sennò mi scappa un qualcosa di politicamente scorretto. e che cazzo. ma si può credere in una cosa che ti rovina solo la vita? mah. post written while listening to a bit 'of everything, so nothing will cheer me up morale
::: want to fry::: "Fried is yet bona' na strip!" proverb Leghorn an image to tell my lunch today. only a proverb that I love .. I did? enough to say that I had an eggplant in the fridge to be eaten .. well, I fried. delicious. healthy? well, I do not think but I do not care .. are days when I need to cuddle. Sunday the foot, the dentist this morning .. and pampering? well, if anyone should know how to arrange intervenes .. then fried to .. but in a way. last night meatballs with potatoes and chickpeas, eggplant today, tomorrow enough. however, that goodness .. hours sofa, I think that it is not very suitable to lie down after eating, but it is one of life's pleasures, a pleasure among those that I can afford. so .. you, I need something relaxing .. on the internet I read ruling on Bolzaneto . Well, shame there are no other words. I find the time to go to Vicenza forget to take your shoes on Sunday, wants to zero .. never a quiet moment. post written by listening to the tg3
::: bua:::
"Beauty can pierce you like a pain," Thomas Mann already. pity that I do not happen to see so much beauty to feel like a pain. but stabs the other. nails to be precise. yesterday giving my small contribution to building a better world I was injured stepping on a board with nails attached. oh that hurt. I spent the whole afternoon so in the waiting room of the emergency room. code green. a hole in the foot. tetanus expired for years. four hours of waiting. nothing to read and no one to talk. understand that I'm depressed than ever. at one point I even cried. to stress rather than evil. I had too much time to reflect on my life .. watched an elderly lady who, in my opinion, the most trying of human warmth that a proper diagnosis and reflect on the fact that the only two people were not accompanied us. me and the lady. everybody else had with someone. so my mind began to wander about my future, as this will not be the last time I'll have to wait alone in the anteroom of an emergency .. thoughts on the lack of a male love in my life. while evil grew .. in the end it's up to me. 30 seconds for me to clean my wound and the tetanus shot. oh that hurt. I came into the wound as if I were a pig to slaughter more than a human being .. a doctor while another was digging in my foot I got up the sleeve of his shirt and gave me the injection. 30 seconds. 4 hours of waiting. forget it. the only thing that pulled me up the morale was the thought that it was free. did comparisons with the American health care where you or your pennies or nothing. but bad day. day to forget. much. now I step on the ice because I can not yet support, the part above is deflated in the plant but it still seems to have a two-euro coin .. hope he deflated a bit '. put my foot is very bad. path as a lame duck. Ugh. and all for a nail .. oh well, we hope passes quickly .. listening post written daddy cool boney m