Thursday, October 7, 2010

Car Park Moorfields Eye Hospital

Ex Drummer

Ex Drummer is an intentionally disturbing film, perhaps too openly disclose this in its degradation of the Flemish province, but no one can deny the irony of that fund is not always apparent in that cinema in the suburbs and the degradation of typical film overseas, which makes me think first of a Larry Clark .
L'aspetto musicale del film è forte come il disgusto e il sudiciume di cui è pervaso il racconto, che punta volutamente al politicamente scorretto, rischiando di apparire troppo superficiale nei suoi intenti e di voler estremizzare a tutti i costi il proprio senso di neghittosità intrinseca per un mondo ributtante e assurdo.
Quello cui assistiamo è un viaggio in un girone infernale, volutamente intrapreso dal suo protagonista, Dries (Dries Van Hegen), ex musicista e scrittore di successo, che sfrutta la propria intelligenza e superiorità culturale ed economica per rimestare nel torbido e dare il proprio contributo ad un ulteriore e definitiva degenerazione di un contesto che appare destinato alla dannazione sicura.
Dries is a kind of antihero, but in the worst sense of the term and dingy, no less despicable character of the other actors, individuals with specific disabilities, humanly repulsive, which will give them a lesson and inspiration from which to draw its own history of success.
Perhaps most interesting about this film is the soundtrack, which are buried in the story that constantly progresses through delirious moments that find their synaesthetic climax in the long final sequence. A little reassuring portrait of Belgium, or better a part of it, through a care in his directorial style narrative deconstruction, which will surely disturb the viewer until point of disgust and fascinate him, swept up in a maelstrom of anarchy and absurdity that the film wants to be with his film language, but risking his goal of appearing too artificial and constructed.
In any case, a vision that remains etched in visual memory for the outcomes and intentions succeeded or not see the future, though perhaps does not add anything new on the western front of the human and social decay, though in the end I had a irrepressible desire to listen to the Mogwai.


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