I'm back to collect a prize I was given by Clara (if you do not already know to go see her blog ... really cute and full of very beautiful work ... those of sewing creative).
Those who know me a little knows that I tend to stop this kind of chains, but already the last time I thought it was a way to give visibility to those who have less followers and in this little world.
For this reason I decided to give this award to:
Francesca http://pezzepercaso.blogspot.com/
Ilenia http://100x100love.blogspot.com/
Emanuela http://my-littleinspirations.blogspot.com/
Franca http://uncinettando61.blogspot.com/
Franca http://nelmondodelricamo.blogspot.com/
Heidi http://kaosdifili.blogspot.com/
Carla, Brigitte, Bruna http://letrestelle.blogspot.com/
Silvia http://incasadisilvia.blogspot.com/
Chiara http://ilpianetamuf-muf.blogspot.com/
Cleme http://lenoci.blogspot.com/
Silvia http:// sognidilana.blogspot.com /
Cinzia http://www.lagattasultetto.mi.it/
For all the people that I wanted to give this award is obviously the question then they are free to: take it ... take it and turn it over, or "leave it here."
Now I, even I have to tell 10 things about me ...
-My son is the most important thing mia vita;
-Adoro gli animali (e penso lo abbiate capito);
-Sono estremamente sensibile;
-Il mio mito è Audrey Hepburn,
-Per molti versi sono un "orso";
-Ho un orgoglio che supera la ragione;
-Amo guardare film in costume e romantici (Orgoglio e pregiudizio, Shakespeare in love ecc) e cartoni animati (quelli datati: i Flinstones, Gli astronauti, Tom e Jerry);
-Adoro l'autunno e l'inverno;
-Mi piacciono le persone decise e umili;
-Sono alla ricerca della serenità.
Ringrazio nuovamente Clara per avermi donato questo premio e auguro a tutte voi una serena serata.
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