Monday, August 25, 2008
Ho To Connect Ps3 To A Sylvania Tv
"The good novel should not be the story of an exception. It must be a piece of everyday life, in which everyone acknowledges, however, and teaches men something that not everyone saw it. "
Maxence van der meersch
few days ago a friend compared this blog to a novel and I could not give her that right.
sometimes dyed a bit 'grim (ops.. So bleak) and ultimately very pink.
not believe to be the story of an exception, bad luck reigns over all of us and so I think a lot of my suffering has been shared by several people several times ..
tonight are reflexive.
I reflect on my past will never return?
I do not want it.
there are aspects of my past that I have absolutely no desire to see .. not even in the picture.
what to save from my past?
well, little or nothing. I think only the militancy.
militancy and some important friends.
then that my most important friendships go hand in hand with the militancy is another story ..
mah tonight sono dubbiosa e - lo ammetto- un po' preoccupata.
di cosa? lasciamo perdere, solo cazzate create (da me stessa) ad hoc per rovinarmi l'esistenza, solo che se a volte le persone prestassero più attenzione a chi è, forse, più sensibile io ora non mi spaccherei la testa chiedendomi se quei racconti si stiano avverando.
cosa non mi sento di dirlo, mi sembra che metterlo per iscritto dia verità alla mia deficienza..
si perchè una parte di me dice che devo essere proprio tarlata per pensare certe cose ma non è colpa della mia stupidità ma solo della mia insicurezza.
si, perchè ci sono campi in cui mi sento tremendamente insicura, where I (and the past suggests to me rightly) of being a 'total incompetent in some things, as if certain things do not do it for me ..
the sharpest among you, or simply watch connoisseurs of this blog will have realized that I speak, but do not worry, nothing happened, I'm just raving, venting on a keyboard, the doubts that bothered my mind all evening ..
but if only I had not ever said that ...
Roman if I go out with me "mortacci .."
instead as a good Venetian monastery can only send in myself because I'm living one of the best times of my life and I'm trying to ruin all the ways that my mind tells me ..
and find ways they are a champion.
was an Olympic sport would have a collection of gold do not know where to put them ..
quiet, I repeat, nothing happened, I'm just stupid.
tomorrow is another day and my doubts will vanish like idiots public buildings in Italy.
yes, we understand from my lines reached the level of dementia.
better to close.
Thursday leave for London.
leave for a beautiful city that say the most beautiful person in the world.
know that the more beautiful you can not say but I think the academy bran makes me go ..
little woman stop crap shoot and go to bed.
post written by listening to the usual Elvis, but at least it's disc 2
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How To Redo A Boat Floor
that strange feeling.
inside me I feel almost the same time a great joy and an almost equal fear.
of what?
well, losing the person I was born, one aspect that made me rediscover the life I had forgotten, that makes my days better, which is too many things that would take a lifetime to write ..
I'm afraid that something could happen. maybe it's the mom in me talking but I do not know, are not the quietest person in the world ..
play this song by Pearl Jam (I think the only one I know who until recently did not even know it was them) and I get an attachment to life that inspires me to try to quit smoking ..
I know that I'll have this bad .. but at least it keeps me dall'accendermi an 'other straw ..
today I really abused, but I had to do the graphic work the PC and on these occasions I do not even realize you turn them on a straw after another ..
short, I wonder how I can afford to judge others if I myself do not know me adjust?
if I ever quit smoking break in the company of the Maronites in this world and the other one.
what else? but as I know, it was fun to say ..
well, I'm tired.
I detach myself from this computer because my eyes do not make a lot more but I have Eltern ..
book? tv? too hard .. appearance and will endeavor to get out this time by simply nothing ..
yes, I also reduce the time and your PC.
is too difficult to lead a healthy life, there is nothing to be done.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Brazilian Wax Soccer Team
"At the foot of each bird that is attached to the edge of infinity"
victor hugo
for all who read this title does not make sense.
him not to do it.
bullshit is incredible but I enjoy it so much .. there are those who use nicknames like cute little bear, cub .. I know, well, I came cornacchietta.
an animal that's sweet and nice just does not inspire But nothing amuses me too.
and then, let's be honest, when it happened that little woman can give to someone cute nicknames?
so when I could have raised all my shortcomings and, you know, is endless ..
But if I read this aphorism hugo I would say that I am not entirely stupid .. the thread of the infinite is what I hope will bind me to my cornacchietta ..
want that gives me joy that lasts forever, forever.
little woman has begun to dream?
it, and it's beautiful ..
I hope that my new joy can not send them to hell because this blog are not good at talking about love ..
was so good to talk about bad luck and many assholes and this blog has always been based almost entirely on that ..
but now I do not have big bad luck and found someone who is not the slightest jerk.
I hope so much that it is not just another outlet in the ass with a condom of sandpaper (or glass wool, you name it) but part of me feels that it will not be .. and is a part big enough to silence the voice pessimist who sees all black ..
yes, now I live in a world of pink (Leopard) and the incazzature for when we resume work or to the moves of the government, the security package in then there is none save half ..
you look at all No Dal Molin Festival ..
listening post written b-sides, Housemartins
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dogs Clothes Blogs 2010
d onnina does not have much imagination when it comes to holiday ..
so here we are at the third edition of "plage sauvage", camping at half csoa Canaj.
this year there will be little woman ..
would be right and just copy the press but I'm too tired to write one more letter, so it takes a few links:
that my mom sleep ..
listening to the same post wrote Elvis, I know I have to change
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Techno Song That Counts Down By 5
In the coming weeks, assist the evacuation of the first permanent, including those occupied by the collective attic, which is scheduled for demolition by redevelopment of the neighborhood Compagnoni in Reggio Emilia.
The following article aims to analyze the history and lay the foundations for the future of district Via Compagnoni and collective Attic. Only constant in this situation of instability is the strong will to resist, to not let pass unnoticed and free of violence speculator who administers the city.
Via Compagnoni has a long and fascinating history. It 's always been a place apart, the place of the last and the invisible in a city that claimed to not have them. Those invisible they are always the real protagonists of what a city, a country or an era make history. And if it is true that the illiterate who wrote the story, unfortunately it is also true that those without a voice to tell it. Who says today
the past and present history of this place does it only distorting, judging and, finally, robbing the characters of their own lives.
yesterday it was said that here there lived only gentaccia, ugly dirty and bad ones that will surely steal, take drugs and is rumored to perhaps make love too often. Today's
you say the same things but more for the pleasure of thousands of opinions from bar grew like mushrooms in our city, came the "illegal".
abuses are those who are living 11 of the 130 vacant houses in the neighborhood Compagnoni, there are 25 people aged between seven months and sixty, were born in Reggio Emilia, Cagliari, Stoccolma, Tunisi, Vienna, Messina, Brema, Burkina Faso, Lecce.
Gli abusivi siamo noi, che per uno strano modo di intendere le parole e i significati, ci chiamiamo cosí nonostante la situazione in cui ci troviamo sia conseguenza diretta di abusi altrui. Siamo forse gli unici, fra gli attori di questa storia di case e diritti negati, a non aver compiuto nessun abuso, pur avendone subiti tanti.
A cinque fra le nostre famiglie questa settimana staccheranno acqua, luce e gas, come ennesimo abuso di un potere forte soprattutto con quella che considera un’umanità inutile. Verremo buttati fuori da un palazzo di cui é stata anticipata la demolizione per evitare che altri potessero trovarvi casa e sulle cui macerie born private homes. No acceptable alternative has been proposed, perhaps because they do not exist in a city that has made the speculation on his chariot driver.
So much the right to housing and a dignified life.
The alternative we are still, however, and stubbornly us.
Strictly from the bottom, with dirty faces, the bright eyes and smiles that only those who have taken over his life can give.
.. continued on page global
Monday, August 4, 2008
How To Build An Aeroplane Wing
"With such a beauty you can overthrow the world!"
Fyodor Dostoevsky
little woman has bought her first high heels.
perhaps the second, I will have something nice to buy in adolescence, but these are the first really high ..
morality have a strategy ...
I've worn this weekend, accompanying them to buy a dress for the occasion (long live the Chinese ..) and I must say I was not only chick, I was over ..
wow, I never thought I could give a lot of heels.
ass up, bearing the most elegant, slender legs (even to me that I have little to slim ..)
Today I told my mom buying.
wants a picture .. do not believe I miss her.
well, I myself took several days to convince me that I could bring them and I was fine ..
obvious that they gave a big hand comments of others ..
but thinking about the opening quotation .. I would think of better ways to overthrow the world, but oh well, my innate modesty stramegagnocca do it suggests to me that is not bad, although it is clear that in certain situations you can not go in high heels ..
perhaps but I have a better image for the heels and a dress .. drunk these days ..
sono felice, ballo elvis seduta sulla sedia e passo l'aspirapolvere sorridendo..
credo di aver trovato una persona speciale, qualcuno al cui solo pensiero mi si illuminano gli occhi..
sono agitata, ma è un'agitazione positiva, una di quelle che non mi capitavano da tanto, tantissimo tempo..
ah, sono anche riuscita a far combaciare vacanza e militanza.. alla fine andrò a londra a fine agosto per tornare in tempo per il festival no dal molin..
mi sento il genio dell'organizzazione.
quanta poca modestia in questo post..
penso che con questo post risulterò ancora più antipatica, ma non fa nulla..
I'm happy.
post written elvis still listening, usually hard
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Running On Beach
the title of this post might sound strange but it is the first that came to mind to news these days: the State Council has blocked the order of the tar that stopped work at Dal Molin ..
already, I think of all those who have filled their mouths with phrases like that when it was time to use it against the Venetians, but that does not hang their heads in front of events like this, when they would be the time to defend the concept of Paroni at home against those who would do anything and everything on our soil ..
Paroni but that old?
may seem almost comical that this concept is to defend the very people who never were interested in speeches like this ..
but it's true: Paroni at our house, Paroni to decide the fate of its territory ..
dear leaguers sti cocks (forgive the vulgarity, but there are other terms) will never Paroni just about anything if you can not say a word when a piece of our land is donated to a foreign power .. indeed ..
is not unable to say anything because they own between the authors of this gift ..
are irritated.
are at sea, they tanned, I bought the clogs with heels, I would have millions of reasons to be happy but I am irritated.
watch video on you tube on what happens in Vicenza, I read the news from the Internet and a part of me dreams of being in Vicenza, here among my brothers and my sisters to do everything possible to prevent it from becoming a vicenza 'single base in a city ..
I think not?
impossible .. I can not, my conscience will not let me.
the idea yesterday to make me proposed a little trip to a land unknown to me, in the UK, London to be precise, and I asked to change the date because it fell during the festival .. No Dal Molin
in my output has raised a chorus of "nooo, but are you crazy?" but how could I go for a walk knowing what is happening in Vicenza?
it's time to roll up their sleeves, it's time to go back to being partisan, it's time to play everything for you to a whole new base of death does not arise on our territories. who claims to be against the war, those who speak of peace, those who love our country, anyone with a minimum of "what if dise," as my grandmother, must come down the streets to say that this base will not be .. streets, squares, network .. anywhere ..
this is a tough battle but a battle that you win. I
I am sure you will win if all really say ALL, do their best to win it.
you can not be indifferent.
as Gramsci said, in a beautifully written that will post sooner or later: the indifference is the dead weight of history ..
hours force me to close this post and I do so leaving links where you can follow it all:
post written by listening to the voices of people coming and going from the beach