Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Techno Song That Counts Down By 5

:::mercoledì August 6:::

by www.globalproject.info

In the coming weeks, assist the evacuation of the first permanent, including those occupied by the collective attic, which is scheduled for demolition by redevelopment of the neighborhood Compagnoni in Reggio Emilia.
The following article aims to analyze the history and lay the foundations for the future of district Via Compagnoni and collective Attic. Only constant in this situation of instability is the strong will to resist, to not let pass unnoticed and free of violence speculator who administers the city.

Via Compagnoni has a long and fascinating history. It 's always been a place apart, the place of the last and the invisible in a city that claimed to not have them. Those invisible they are always the real protagonists of what a city, a country or an era make history. And if it is true that the illiterate who wrote the story, unfortunately it is also true that those without a voice to tell it. Who says today
the past and present history of this place does it only distorting, judging and, finally, robbing the characters of their own lives.

yesterday it was said that here there lived only gentaccia, ugly dirty and bad ones that will surely steal, take drugs and is rumored to perhaps make love too often. Today's
you say the same things but more for the pleasure of thousands of opinions from bar grew like mushrooms in our city, came the "illegal".

abuses are those who are living 11 of the 130 vacant houses in the neighborhood Compagnoni, there are 25 people aged between seven months and sixty, were born in Reggio Emilia, Cagliari, Stoccolma, Tunisi, Vienna, Messina, Brema, Burkina Faso, Lecce.
Gli abusivi siamo noi, che per uno strano modo di intendere le parole e i significati, ci chiamiamo cosí nonostante la situazione in cui ci troviamo sia conseguenza diretta di abusi altrui. Siamo forse gli unici, fra gli attori di questa storia di case e diritti negati, a non aver compiuto nessun abuso, pur avendone subiti tanti.

A cinque fra le nostre famiglie questa settimana staccheranno acqua, luce e gas, come ennesimo abuso di un potere forte soprattutto con quella che considera un’umanità inutile. Verremo buttati fuori da un palazzo di cui é stata anticipata la demolizione per evitare che altri potessero trovarvi casa e sulle cui macerie born private homes. No acceptable alternative has been proposed, perhaps because they do not exist in a city that has made the speculation on his chariot driver.
So much the right to housing and a dignified life.

The alternative we are still, however, and stubbornly us.
Strictly from the bottom, with dirty faces, the bright eyes and smiles that only those who have taken over his life can give.

.. continued on page global


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