Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Karen Kay Sports

to you ...

Here I am making this guide to 2010 ... I can certainly
say it was an amazing year, indeed even beautiful, in fact not even mediocre ... okay let's say that's not really gone and that I could not wait to finish, not that I'm convinced that 2011 will be different but I hope we do not have a conviction anyway.

It 'been a heavy year ... really hard ... I thought I have to work hard to do anything ... everything was close ...

the classic bad for your belly will hit me several times by a factor of stress or intolerance to gluten in any case was often upside down ...

but the problems seem to be pursuing ...

but are in fact some "contrarian" and I certainly an easy character, even more problems and more I tend to isolate myself ...

and I wanted to escape the problems the night would never end and in the morning I would have wanted
hide under the covers (and sometimes I even did) ...

not even admits at times I wanted to be protected and pampered (but do not always get what you want) ... and then found refuge in the things that we like ...

... and that's why why this year I started the adventure of my "old heart" and that is where I met many people with my own passions, special people ...

I have kept company with a lot of your creations and your thoughts out loud ...

Some of you have read between the lines sadness, some melancholy,

still some problems and other health,

but each of us has continued to set, embroider , knitting, sewing ... regardless.

sometimes I had the feeling of not being alone in the chair
to embroider but had next to me ... many of you in silence all concentrated in their creations.

and this was really important for me ...

I want to thank you for giving me all these months later, he left for sweet and nice comments and for sharing your creations and your dreams, and for all those reasons do hope that this new year bring you everything you wish for you and your loved ones and lots of peace and serenity.
A hug ... Clear


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Spanish Condolence Cards

Series of Dreams

of a series of dreams Where the time and the time drag,
And there's no exit in
Any direction 'Cept The One That You Can not See with your eyes. Any
Was not making great connections,
Was not falling for Any intricate schemes.
Nothing That Would pass inspection,
Just thinking of a series of dreams

(Bob Dylan, Series of Dreams)

I remember that 2010 is ending just as it began. How? Shit, really. They're getting a series of violent flashbacks all along that I find it hard to distinguish whether the first days of January 2010 or the last days of December 2010. And I even drank a Bloody Mary. Again. But a few weeks is that what is happening to me here, and I also know why, but I will not tell. It cracks me some area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebellum and have visions. Sometimes beautiful, clear and bright as the sun. More often gray marcilenti so to speak. Anxiety. This series of visions is accompanied by a swirl of dreams, dreams I'm not sure I did, because I think in fact have made them a few seconds ago, which is impossible. A moment later I know with certainty that old dream of a lifetime, but as you remember them in a fresh way. The only explanation I have recurring dreams. Here they are, is the first time I put them down on paper, sorry about your computer. My series of dreams. I realize that in one way or another in my dreams there is always some kind of home.

Huge country homes abandoned or semi abandoned where I go around with other people to know that I think are familiar places but at the same time I can not find the exit.

Travel by car to homes on top of some mountain roads through narrow tunnels of fear. People waiting over the top. The goal is not achieved and never feeling that it's better that way.

Travel to villages on the sea cliffs beautiful in theory but have always anxious about something super narrow roads to peak.

avenues citizens night semi deserts exhausting journeys on Metro trolley bus stops to ever lose that for one reason or another, then abandoned terminus nobody to ask for information.

huge factories in ruins where you go and you walk as if you were in a normal city district. Huge factories in ruins where I'm looking for something or someone.

underground tunnel where you barely slipped inside and sprouting corpses, rotting dead, assorted mummies.

Lifts, elegant doors of houses where I should not see me but I am in front of us. Elevators leading to huge sun-drenched loft where nobody lives.

Bob Dylan - Series Of Dreams (Official Music Video) . Watch more videos about selected top: Bob Dylan

Abbiatico a peaceful end of the year and a better start.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Gay Bathhouse Belfast

The Tourist

The Tourist is yet another demonstration of how a director who has managed to create a work of rare strength and beauty as The Lives of Others to stumble into the trap of Hollywood vacuity of ideas.
The film tries to wink to the audience and maybe too much, so much so that one of the few virtues of the film is its short duration compared to a context in which the alluring Jolie, clad in costumes that means bringing out the exquisite beauty, a figure itself becomes expressionless, too flashy, which lingers too easily the eye of the camera and also wrote the screenplay does not hesitate to point out, just to make his character believable, just as it might seem that Frank, a imbolsito Johnny Depp makes you smile, but to a certain point.
Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck pare immemore del suo precedente lavoro e si sforza di realizzare un'opera che sappia pescare a piene mani dai generi del cinema americano che a suo tempo aveva saputo mischiare la commedia con lo spionaggio (si pensi a Sciarada di Stanley Donen), ma chissà perché l'operazione perde di fascino e rimane solo il desiderio e l'anelare a luoghi magnifici come Parigi e Venezia, cartoline di paesaggi in cui le figurine di Donnersmarck si aggirano contorniate da figuranti italiani passati da una produzione televisiva ad una cinematografica senza nemmeno dover cambiare costume (si veda il Frassica - Carabiniere di Don Matteo catapultato in The Tourist , senza il fido Terence Hill intento ad investigare e risolvere il caso ben prima dei poliziotti fighetti di Scotland Yard). 
Altrettanto non si dirà di altri attori nostrani che vi compaiono, riuscendo ad essere figuranti credibili e passabili rispetto al solito stereotipo che ci riguarda, ma lascio allo spettatore il compito di decidere se e quali salvare da questa produzione fiaccamente inutile.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Customize A Wrestler And Play With It

's past the Christmas ...

After the day of Christmas ...
The expected and spends much so fast ...
to end, I decided to show you these two little hearts just finished small free patterns online and found one of the aged with coffee (a technique learned from Carla ).
A simple embroidery surrounded by trimming the result ... but I loved it.

I hope that you all have been a peaceful Christmas ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How Does Thalidomide Cure Cancer

Greetings ...

Merry Christmas

Congratulations to those who have a dream in the heart
Happy birthday to you you have a pain.
Happy Birthday to all children
the weakest and the most happy.

Happy Birthday to friends and best wishes to those who feel happy.
Happy Birthday to the lonely
best wishes to those who do not believe in love.

Happy Birthday to the sick and those who are more fortunate.

Happy Birthday ..
two little words ..
but .. Happy Birthday

that come from the heart.

For Christmas Party
out above all inside of you ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Trichotillomania Eyelash Regrowth

Merry Christmas Baby

Top five things I did in this 2010

1. Having seen The Tallest Man on Earth in concert (London)
2. John Grant and Midlake have seen in concert (London)
3. Having shot in wasp by night (to London)
4. Having breakfast with two Bloody Mary (London)
5. Got a job (in Milan)

("Stay with me, in reality" of the sentence 2010 - non mia ovviamente, troppo bella)

Oh... ah... buon Natale fratelli e sorelle, questo è il mio regalo, spero apprezzabile

Monday, December 20, 2010

Metronidazole Out Of System

The Cook ...

I'm back with the cook over to tell the truth ... should be an angel but I took the pictures before attacking wings ...
Stoffine, padded, cloth shoes, and for the polymer clay buttons.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pontoon Boat Trailer Plans

Slate ...

These days I've done some work .. . ricamino a small heart-shaped with a free pattern I found in rete (quando deciderò come impiegarlo lo posterò), ho poi terminato anche le tende per la mia amica (appena saranno pronte e appese alla finestra le chiederò le foto così vi farò vedere anche quelle), ed oggi ho terminato una delle due lavagnette...
Ho preso spunto vedendone alcune in rete, non ricordo in quali siti o blog, da una ho preso la forma, da un altra le molle fermacarte ecc.
Mio papà ha dato forma al rettangolo di legno che avevo preso (lui è bravo e preciso in queste cose), qualche mano di colore acrilico bianco ovviamente dopo aver passato la candela nei punti in cui volevo riportare in superfice il legno scartavetrandolo e poi ho pensato di aggiungere dei gessi profumati, del cordoncino di spago ed un blocco notes...
Ecco il risultato...

Serena settimana a tutte voi...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Insurance Criminal Conviction

Santa Carla ... According

Oggi è arrivato un Babbo Natale inaspettato...
Mi ha lasciato un pacco da parte di Carla , forse avrei dovuto metterlo sotto l'albero ed aspettare la mezzanotte del 24 per aprirlo, ma non ce l'ho fatta, non ho resistito e l'ho aperto...
Difficile trasmettere a parole cos'ho provato...stupore...entusiasmo...emozione...e come ho detto a lei dovrei punteggiare tutto lo schermo perchè non ho parole per esprimermi.
Una scatola fatta interamente da lei con sopra la mia iniziale, un portaforbici luccicante e come se questo non bastasse mi ha anche mandato un kit per un ricamo incantevole.
Ci conosciamo da un pò di tempo tramite il mondo dei blog ed i suoi lavori mi hanno incantata in particolare le sue scatole...così eleganti, con ricami abbinati alla stoffa e rifinite con una cura incredibile, ogni volta che ne postava una le facevo mille e più complimenti ma mai avrei pensato che Babbo Natale me ne portasse una tutta per me e soprattutto fatta pensando a me.
Da subito avevo percepito la sua discreta sensibilità ma il suo gesto sinceramente mi ha davvero lasciata senza parole...perciò non aggiungo altro se non...

...e grazie anche a tutte voi che mi seguite.