Monday, February 28, 2011

Smtp 554 Delivery Error


The film showed at the cinema Jeunet e Caro, anche se poi solo il primo ha proseguito almeno a livello internazionale e con maggiore risonanza ed evidenza la propria carriera cinematografica, imponendo un proprio stile grottesco e surreale che aveva trovato un suo apice, per quanto melenso e discutibile con il suo debordante e irritante ottimismo di facciata, ne Il favoloso mondo di Amelie , forse la sua opera più conosciuta e di successo. 
Il film utilizza elementi di un passato idealmente iconografico di una Francia, sempre che di Francia si tratti, se non per l'idioma, ma questo non è un elemento certificante in maniera assoluta, per raccontare una storia surreale che vira subito nel grottesco e che ha una sua cattiveria di fondo, balanced by the love of counterpoint which is then mixed with each other and anticipating what will be the building blocks of the aforementioned film starring Audrey Tautou and Mathieu Kassovitz. The setting
circonclusa and wrapped in a perpetual fog that excludes all or almost to the eye, except for the silhouette of the building left in ruins in which you play the narrated events, is a self-contained world of its own and which draws its contacts with the 'unknown outside through a few key figures and the media, which reveals a world in crisis, in which cannibalism is a necessary practice and turn into a grotesque, as opposed to vegetarianism of the Troglodytes, the population is a kind of underground resistance inevitabile in un mondo cattivo, in cui un ex clown del circo costituirà l'elemento di frattura nell'equilibrio sadico di un universo incapace di reagire al proprio aguzzino.
Storia da fumetto, che gioca molto sugli elementi debordanti, sui caratteri caricaturali e sulle stranezze volutamente accentuate, che potrebbero infastidire e far storcere il naso oppure divertire.
Sicuramente in questo film vi sono elementi che lasciano presagire un cinema che punta molto sull'elemento favolistico e grottesco compiaciuto e compiacente, ma che si lascia guardare e strappa anche qualche sorriso.
Pensando al cinema successivo dell'autore, sicuramente Delicatessen ha già in nuce elementi criticabili di un cinema, as is typical of authors with their own poetic apparently outside the lines and the classic style, lends itself to inevitable criticism and attacks more or less convinced and convincing, as the world staged by the author himself.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Are The Best Container To Keep Bread In

Ballad in Plain D

"No, there’s nothin’ you can send me, my own true love
There’s nothin’ I wish to be ownin’
Just carry yourself back to me unspoiled
From across that lonesome ocean..."

Addio Suze, the Freewheelin Girl

(Susan Elizabeth Rotolo born November 20, 1943, died February 24, 2011)

There are two

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Granite Tile Substrate

Nemesis II

There are films whose aesthetic belongs to a period, for a production environment and a reproduction of the same channel, I rise to a perverse fascination snobbish and inexplicable.
Cinema steroid and muscle as shown by the protagonist in his own camp on the poster and an icon for representing film and physics, that perhaps the intent of the entourage would have to embody the antithesis productive feminine (but not too much) of Schwarzenegger.
So much so that a work like Terminator gave home to statues of that kind, which once stood out on local TV analog, now with the advent of digital and who knows with the progress of technology which will host, can be found on channels of a well above-average level, or perhaps not as well as would have you believe.
lovers these subgenres, of film craft and this derivative, we can say lowest standard, perhaps consider a product collector, instead evokes in me and has always aroused curiosity enough to remain glued to the extent possible, given the simplicity of the story and its progression-free if certain emotions in times of confrontation with the bounty hunter-cyborg, which attempts to exploit the technology mimetic, but without much success Predator expected until the end.
One might smile or angry to notice how certain faces seem actorial repetition and confusion in this cauldron of cinema, in which human characters are uncomfortable with their appearance and acting ability that would sbellicare laughing (if the film was received in the company , with comments allowed during playback). So, you find yourself siding against them and to invoke the proper punishment, while the naivete of the protagonist, perhaps due to muscular strength which limits their intelligence solely for the spirit of survival, fails to take note of 'idiocy and micragnosità of certain individuals.
hard to say whether counsel as sculptural film, because I think it is too much even for me, but to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe product and the kind of aesthetics which I referred earlier I think it's just enough to the trailer Network at least to understand or mock my choice / no choice of viewing.

Instant Sticker Camera


French film production, or rather French, although Besson seems to be one that winks with ease overseas, known to be truculent in the right place when he wants and this product is not short of blood and underlying perversion, that with the unfolding of history will then be clear to the surface.
tale that plays on references to the slasher genre to see him and that shows how even Tarantino has then winked to the film itself, in short, a copy of a copy, or better references of references in a kind of mise en abime horror film.
The sexual element is more explicit and less in other contexts and underlying followers and this is a more or less shared the product of modernity, but at the end of it all, despite the atmosphere functional, cross-references to figures that lie directly to elements from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale style, or simply to archetypes of fear and terror, vital for the solution, as initially seem disappointing or work as appropriate and tastes, clashes, as soon as the vision, with the strict logic of the meaning of the story, unless you do not want to bring the whole idea, a dream or better a nightmare of the protagonist.
A projection of the mind that could make sense of what kinesthetically would not be possible, but the film so there has shown how to teach the theoretical and the medium itself, the image is deceptive, the story itself comes from who we should be always or almost occurred at the end of the game and is the author winking in proposing an idea, a representation of the horror that remains imprinted in the retina at the end, just need to rethink how well it is developed after understanding and should revisit the meaning of all those deaths that pervades the story and then if you really want to be picky doubt it arise and the answers contradict each other and chase each other as the movie itself, leaving some doubt inevitable, at least for myself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Replacement Butane For Camping Stoves

The determination

The Coens have gone through almost all genres or reworked in their own way, more or less transgressive, like it or not, arousing the admiration of many film buffs as well as reserves against them. This time
depart from a movie with an earlier she had seen John Wayne character and refer to the novel departure, in which the narrator is the protagonist of the adult remembers his quest for revenge or justice for the death the father at the hands of an aide unfaithful and cowardly.
Well, the Coens prove careful and faithful in the reconstruction of the environments and the Western genre, which has often been given up for dead, but there are still attempts to recover more or less successful, perhaps because the film is kind of different obstacles in their statement.
Yet this time the Coens do not seem to scratch or convincing as in other cases, perhaps too much loyalty to the narrative and some trimming, which appears inexplicable in a film that details the decal appears to be very careful and scrupulous.
Eventually we find ourselves faced with a well-packaged product, with some players, which features the tough girl, but that does not seem to give you insights so enthusiastic comment, despite the general appreciation of the film from critics.
So it is suspected of a film lying on the fidelity of the novel too, without that epic western che già altre volte era stata demitizzata, ma con esiti più favorevoli e crepuscolari, ma che qui non risulta così nuova, spiccata e coinvolgente. La fedeltà quasi assoluta è stata una dei motivi di critica già nei confronti dei Coen per la trasposizione di Non è un paese per vecchi , ma in quel caso la tensione e il pathos del romanzo erano ben raffigurati e proprio quel film aveva più di questo la forza e la tenacia di un western vero e proprio, nonostante un'ambientazione contemporanea.
Insomma, un'operazione che lascia piuttosto intiepiditi e circospetti, forse perché dai Coen ci si aspetta sempre esiti elevati e coinvolgenti per la loro bravura ed intelligenza, that often strikes and stiff, but that is good or bad their stylistic and that this time seems to be no and maybe this can also enjoy their detractors.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mad Spas In California


Tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it (GB Shaw)

There are three ways to live life.

One, is intentionally reducing the scope of what is happening or nearly so. Ignoring or hiding, before the fact, repeated over and over that it does not matter, that tomorrow is another day, however, that everything is fine, and not think about too much about things that if there is no headache. Make do, in fact. In fact, you do not think the reality when you are happy, that's when things are not that really sticks. So better to pretend to be always happy.

Another is that each thing that happens, all eyes in the subway, every word, every event hurts. Be inappropriate in front of reality and stay bad, very bad. With the consequences.

Then there are the lucky ones, those who are not aware of anything, that everything goes up and down, but do not do it on purpose. Those that make you think, but how can you be happy spending the evening watching TV, I want to be like him.

A combination of the three is a pathetic lie. It would be a bit 'as they say in Vaccines The video below of their beautiful Post Break Up Sex, making love with one / just because it ended the relationship with the person who loved. What have you gained? The only chance of salvation might be something that breaks the measure of all three.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Clean Stained Baby Bottles

perfume favors ...

In this day of light drizzle and gray (time comunuqe like me) I thought to show you the latest work done ... the favors for the communion of Sofia ...

Lino pearl gray, for this bag which I then folded in envelope, rough and coarse twine to form a flake and chalk above heart-shaped or angel Mathilde M. .. although with two different fragrances my favorite is marquise ... so delicate and sweet.

I put them inside a wicker basket that I lined with the same linen and cloth to stop then I decided, with the same linen, to make four roses.

This is the result ...

to me, strange but true, I liked and what do you think?
Thanks as always for the many comments you leave, I'm a bit of time I will chose a gift among those who follow me ... in a manner different from the usual ...
When the time comes I will explain more ...
good start week.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Plastic Countertop Covers

premium Liebster blog

Recently I found a comment Cry inviting me to join his blog because there was something for me ...
The more bloggers who know me know that I really love these prizes to wander, I always gave the impression of the chains but also the feeling of "obligation to put" people to have to withdraw and then turn over ... in addition to I am embarrassed that much then having to assign someone leaving other ... also because there are many blogs that I follow with pleasure.
After the usual assumption that this award but I must say I find it somewhat differently, or better help, you need to know the blog opened recently or those who still have a few followers, to publicize a little and that is why I decided to give this award to:

- I know this is a blog recently but I find them very different from the more refined;
- http://100x100love. / blog very nice and full of very nice things and cuddling;
- really delicious blog with embroidery and other crafts original.

- blog that I follow for some time and that I find very nice, as much as her own and works with very pretty.
- this blog has a few followers, however, is the blog of a virtual friend, with whom gladly exchange views, thoughts, moments of life and who knows with balls of wool create magic.

rules to be followed for the award are very simple:
-accept the award and write a post on
-pass it to other 3 / 5 blog or nice little known (ie, who have few advocates) to link-
post to the person who gave us the prize.

Thank you very much Cry ( / for this award, all you who come to visit me often and when you leave a comment.
(Sorry if you do not even step into your blog regularly and post it to me I lose some, sometimes step and look but do not have time to leave a comment ... sooner or later I'll just make me:))

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mastercard® Inc. Uk.

Will The Circle Be Unbroken? Brother in arms

E 'a gang of scoundrels, is a gang of juvenile delinquents. It 's a patrol over stragglers in the wrong place at the right time. They are armed with acoustic guitars and violins and cellos and accordions and acoustic bass. They are deployed in line, waiting for the general commander to open fire. We recall that in 1965 Newport were defeated and now are back for revenge. And - ironically - the commanding general who are waiting for is just what the field of Newport, 1965, had punished them and scrapped. Ma anche no. Perché loro sono innocenti. Non erano manco nei pensieri dei loro genitori quando si combatteva la battaglia folk vs rock a Newport, sudisti contro nordisti. Quando il cerchio veniva spezzato.

Adesso il comandante generale sta entrando, barcolla un po' come è ovvio per uno che è sui campi di battaglia da quasi cinquant'anni. Quasi inciampa sul basso che uno di quei mocciosi ha lasciato giù per terra. Ha uno sguardo che fulmina così che deve voltare le spalle a tutti. Fa un segno con la mano e la guerra ha inizio, ancora una volta. Ed è la più bella guerra in cui si possa sognare di dare la vita.

I aint gonna fuckin' work on Maggie's fuckin farm no more . Loro ridono, sghignazzano, godono come pazzi a vederselo lì davanti che balla, come un ubriaco sotto la pioggia di Bourbon Street, le mani che danzano libere, una che stringe un'armonica, l'altra "one hand wavin' free". Libera, come lui, il comandante generale. Ed è in quel momento che il cerchio che era stato spezzato a Newport 1965 si richiude, fragorosamente. Il cerchio è stato chiuso, la torcia è stata passata. Il vecchio comandante generale è alle sue ultime battaglie, ma accidenti ha abbastanza forza da farne ancora altre mille. E loro lo seguiranno, loro gli chiedono una cosa sola, Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin’ ship. Adesso che il cerchio è stato richiuso, che la guerra è finita, che il Keepers of Tradition has put back together the past and future, memory and hope, memory and desire. I is not gonna fuckin 'work on Maggie's farm no more fuckin .

Uploaded by yardie4lifever2 . - Other v-blogger and personal video
was the night that Mumford and Sons, from the UK, and Avett Brothers, from USA, the best young bands around, joined Bob Dylan. It was an unforgettable night, the elders who still speak their youths. The night that everything was brought back home. Bringing it all back home, as he had profetizzato, in un'altra era, in un'altra vita, in un tempo immemorabile. A time out of mind. La promessa era compiuta.

Post scriptum: impagabile fu vedere, a fine della grande battaglia, altri grandi generali del passato alzarsi in piedi e battere fiduciosamente le mani, il generale Neil Young e il generale Ron Wood fra gli altri. Un solo personaggio pareva fuori luogo, l'espressione incredula di non sapere che cosa ci facesse lì in quel momento ma non solo in quel momento, che il buon Dio abbia pietà di lei, Faccia di plastica Jennifer Lopez fu vista anche lei su quel campo di battagliae grazie a Dio che di Lady Gaga non se ne videro...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Russian Mother, American Father, Custody

E' così che funziona then. One day we're there to write stupid things and the day after we have disappeared. This morning I woke up and found a text message on your phone, "Ernesto is dead." I went to open Facebook and do not know why the first thing I noticed was the warning of birthdays today, Feb. 13: Today's birthdays, Ernesto De Pascale. What absurd, that bad thing. You went away within hours of your birthday, then that was the day before Valentine's Day. Coincidence? Boh. I do not know what the fuck what the fuck do and say if you do not have to write as I always did like you taught me to do.

colleague, comrade, as the Americans say: brother in arms. We worked together for years, albeit from afar, You sent us your songs from your Florence, in Milan we put them together and publish them. The sudden your calls, I go to Los Angeles, I go to Florida, I go to some remote festival in the middle of the English countryside. Are you interested in an interview? Of course we are interested, bring home the most incredible interviews with the major who had made the history of rock, only you know how did you catch them all. What a laugh your articles and your stories that they tell us, for example, when you have been to Los Angeles to go crazy nights with Guns n 'Roses. We wondered, but is it true? Of course it was.

Your site, your label, called The People of the Blues, but I know that your greatest love was for that season who had been the great English folk end of the 60, the first 70. We loved the same way as Sandy Denny and Fairport Convention. Only you were able to photograph the legendary bassist Ashley Hutchinson of Fairport and the discoverer of Nick Drake, with Fiorentina on your shirt. "Fuck Ernesto, the next time you go to that festival I want to come too" I told you a thousand times. Thou by the toscanaccio laughed, but that trip together to England we were not able to do so.

The last time we met in person was at the Felice Brothers concert here in Milan, you were brought to Italy, whose disk you were circulated. Well, 'I owe you one of the best nights of music my life. We talked at the bar, a beer and whiskey, the place where all the music journalists give their best. A couple of months ago you were also at the concert at the National, still here in Milan. Great music does not miss it ever. Julia came to greet me, "There's also Ernesto" he said. Ok after I come to say goodbye, I said. I made it in time. Fuck.

I had the pleasure and honor to review your last album a few years ago. We had called "the Randy Newman of Florence." I had called to thank me for that expression. I believed and still believe. You went on your birthday, the day before Valentine's Day. Coincidence? Boh. But it is not right. Now we were still in meno, abbiamo perso un collega, un commilitone, un brother in arms. Siamo sempre di meno a cercare di vivere questa folle passione per la grande musica. Tu sei stato uno dei primi, ci hai insegnato come amare la musica. Ciao Ernesto, ci vediamo a quel festival prima o poi.

Firenze, 1996, con Massimo Bubola e l'amico Pasquale

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mta New Rock City Direction

Two special friends ...

Hello ... continue my work well enough but these days was inspired by many blogs, I decided to fix my room / handling in a craftdisbrigoroom.

bought two white IKEA cabinets I started to work ... now I just installed a mounted ... ... ... removed and replaced virtually taken over three times since the signs were not very clear and perhaps not even so my mind free from thoughts to you I am concentrating so much to understand just how to go mounted.
All right sooner or later when my closet is over if something good will come out post the photos.

But tonight I'm here to dedicate a post to my two cubs saw the approach of Valentine's Day, and the fact that what they give is love our pets ...
And as anticipated in the previous post I will show you some photos.

"Love degli animali è infinito, è amore senza limiti e senza pregiudizi; un amico a quattro zampe non guarda se sei alta, bassa, magra o grassa, se sei forte o timorosa, introversa oppure estroversa, ricca o povera ... ti ama incondizionatamente."

Ecco Minou ...

... e questa è Tabata ...

... Tabata with Chero ...

... Minou Tabata and ...
... Often they fall asleep close by ...

I wish you all a good Sunday ...