Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Female Deodorant

Dance me. To the end of love

" Ansie, sogni, dolori,vigoria di aspra lotta, sconforti, palpiti di imprecisa bontà, ideali di luce, sete ardente d'amore, sono nelle poesie raccolte in questo libro così come nelle anime nostre: esso ti farà quindi affettuosa compagnia nella campagna solitaria nella quale tu vivi per sordida avarizia of destiny.

Rome, October 22, 1905

My grandfather to my grandmother, a century ago. Words discovered last night on an old book of poetry that I left my mother. Words that I thought, crying, and written thousands of times in different cases. We are all one heart, which belongs to a time immemorial.

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on Dance me very tenderly
and dance me very long We're
Both of us Beneath Our love, we're
Both of us above Dance me to the end of love

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love from on Vimeo .


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