Friday, February 25, 2011

Replacement Butane For Camping Stoves

The determination

The Coens have gone through almost all genres or reworked in their own way, more or less transgressive, like it or not, arousing the admiration of many film buffs as well as reserves against them. This time
depart from a movie with an earlier she had seen John Wayne character and refer to the novel departure, in which the narrator is the protagonist of the adult remembers his quest for revenge or justice for the death the father at the hands of an aide unfaithful and cowardly.
Well, the Coens prove careful and faithful in the reconstruction of the environments and the Western genre, which has often been given up for dead, but there are still attempts to recover more or less successful, perhaps because the film is kind of different obstacles in their statement.
Yet this time the Coens do not seem to scratch or convincing as in other cases, perhaps too much loyalty to the narrative and some trimming, which appears inexplicable in a film that details the decal appears to be very careful and scrupulous.
Eventually we find ourselves faced with a well-packaged product, with some players, which features the tough girl, but that does not seem to give you insights so enthusiastic comment, despite the general appreciation of the film from critics.
So it is suspected of a film lying on the fidelity of the novel too, without that epic western che già altre volte era stata demitizzata, ma con esiti più favorevoli e crepuscolari, ma che qui non risulta così nuova, spiccata e coinvolgente. La fedeltà quasi assoluta è stata una dei motivi di critica già nei confronti dei Coen per la trasposizione di Non è un paese per vecchi , ma in quel caso la tensione e il pathos del romanzo erano ben raffigurati e proprio quel film aveva più di questo la forza e la tenacia di un western vero e proprio, nonostante un'ambientazione contemporanea.
Insomma, un'operazione che lascia piuttosto intiepiditi e circospetti, forse perché dai Coen ci si aspetta sempre esiti elevati e coinvolgenti per la loro bravura ed intelligenza, that often strikes and stiff, but that is good or bad their stylistic and that this time seems to be no and maybe this can also enjoy their detractors.


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