Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You Buy Valium Over The Counter In Hong Kong


Hello to all, as always the first thing I wanted to thank you ... these days I realized I got to 138 readers to be fixed, to receive a lots of comments in my post and that he "linked" with any of you ... and thank you for the unexpected participation in the initiative of Anna for her in-Mici.

I continue my work, because they are slow turtle, and I certainly did not the speed of some of you turning out, embroideries, works, projects with incredible speed to the point that I often think there really magic bullets:).
Unfortunately, what I'm doing I can not post otherwise spoil the surprise for some people who follow me ... but sooner or later so I can send you to see you too.

Since today are in the mood to chat I would also like to mention a particular blog that I was immediately impressed (I think I'm the first among its supporters).
particularly as it chronicles the blog- a renovation of a house in 1862, in a rural village, then why become a B & B & B. .. and boutique bed and breakfast (Boutique "stands for" all you like you can buy, "to except for some items). This is the link so you'll know what I'm talking, of course, for those who do not already know.

Sorry if I do not go regularly and leave a comment in your blog, but it is a period a little bit special.

(Chero and Tabata)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quotes On A Mother's Love For Her Toddler Son

Things to do with a fever

Well, They Say That
Santa Fe
Is Less Than ninety miles away,
And I got time to roll a number
and rent a car.
Oh, Albuquerque.

I've been flyin 'down the road
And I've been starvin' to be alone, And independent from the scene

That I've known. Albuquerque

I have always hit the same story told by Neil Young, when he wrote of Cowgirl in the Sand with 39 of fever. I'm 39 with a fever - and today I was 38 and not much else - I'm lying to roll his eyes toward the ceiling. And curse. But I have specific feelings of detachment from the body, the mind goes elsewhere. So I have no doubt that a clever person like Neil Young can write a memorable song with 39 of fever. It 's so that even today I ended up in that area, between Albuquerque and tired eyes.

to debunk the theory that those who believe the greatest records of history are those we have heard in particular conditions, especially during our teenage years, records which we are always in for an emotional connection rather than a case objectively critical Time Fades Away and Tonight's the Night at the time, the 70, I hated them cordially. They were the ugliness made music, especially for those who thought the sounds of the Harvest perfect sounds that make a great-great album. It was what they said (and still say, however) all: Harvest "is" the perfect album by Neil Young. In those two discs instead there was anything wrong with a disk: the first, a live, only contained new songs and a song not even know, in short, was not the classic collection of hits live in sparkling dresses. The second was without jarring the song, the accident did sound, the sonic ugliness, songs that were ruined by the song. It took me decades to realize that, along with On the Beach, in reality it was an extraordinary trilogy, the three best records of Neil Young and three of the greatest albums of all time. I have already spoken elsewhere, long ago.

Of course fever all of its audio capabilities. So, in a move dictated not by myself but by another who lived myself today, my little brain fever attacked, I fished out the gold version of Time Fades Away on CD (yes I know it has never been reissued on CD ... But no, he assembled a Young remastering cry from years ago, then decided not to go out on the market. There is one single copy to a closed nascostissima safe, but I would have the greatest music critic of the universe if you do not have a copy? I would be the same, but I've got a copy of Time Fades Away on CD remastered) that for a moment in panic I could not find, and I sent in loop for about half an hour Last Dance. The most terrifying scream of desperation probably collected on CD, with quell'impestato chitarrone riffs and drumming that fucking gorgeous Johnny Barbata that there never was a drummer as well. For good measure I also put on Do not Be Denied, I already did three decades ago. It does so much so that my journey psycho-fever has led me to take out another cd. Tonight's the Night would have been too obvious, but in reality it was not me to decide which cd to pull off this afternoon. So I was stuck in a cd player bootlegaccio, live in Miami awarded the 1973 "Too Drunk Too Fuck" label (a label more than a motto: mine). Inside is pretty much everything Tonight's the Night Live - already know - but even more frightening than in the studio. How to break. The soul. The heart. And something else. A concert like this. And make me laugh, really laugh, you that you get excited with what comes out on disc or listened to live in 2011. In 1973, the last year of favor from the rock'n'roll and I know that London Calling was released in December 1979 so make an exception. It was one of the last shots of the ghostly rock'n'roll. Ok, because Patti Smith was yet to come.

So I'm still traveling between Albuquerque and I roll another "number" before taking the road. I made out my credit card for a full of illusions, his eyes tired, tired. Baby mellow my mind. That even you can do it baby. Only music can do that. So take me and leave me there in Albuquerque. And I do not do that fever passi mai più.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Castle Craft Sailboats Sunchaser

Vallanzasca - angels of evil

almost makes you defend the new film by Placido perché frutto di polemiche a priori, da parte di soggetti che il film non l'hanno nemmeno voluto vedere, perché lontano dagli schemi e dagli schermi della produzione televisiva nostrana, che quasi irritano e dimostrano come il nostro sia un paese dedito allo scandalo e al falso dibattito perché fondato su basi spesso fittizie e gratuite.
Placido aderisce al suo personaggio completamente, restituendoci quello che era Vallanzasca secondo la rappresentazione immaginifica che ne è ricavabile da quegli anni, in cui è stato il nemico pubblico nr. 1 del nostro paese e forse per questo non gli viene perdonata l'incapacità o la non voluta analisi delle ragioni e della psicologia di un uomo che ha compiuto delle scelte, con conseguenze mortali for its victims.
assist in the staging of a man defiant, humorous, beautiful, smart, power-hungry as any gangster for excellence and these are aspects of the character degrees, clear, which could by just consolidating the idea that it was the right fight against it and all the more justified the suffering of those affected by his criminal actions, which largely denies to give others, though not so clearly.
film could be called a partisan? Maybe, in part for adhering to the image portrayed iconic film director and author of the screenplay and dialogues (including the same Kim Rossi Stuart) have drawn from the reports of the time and reference texts, which ranks the same autobiography Vallanzasca, partly for his portrayal of Kim Rossi Stuart, which absorbs and steals the show, which finds a counterpart in actor Filippo Timi, tragic figure, which helps to raise create the right tension and pathos in the dramatic moments that matter, in a story that has the feel of a film genre actually not prone to the prevailing taste of television and cinema styles to adeguantesi spectator apathy.
A movie not perfect in many ways, some already seen above, others in the course of the narrative, emotions staged and that some steps may be too strong sympathy towards the character, but that was blamed in part to the prevalence of the icon on the message and image Vallanzasca real man.
Stone, finally, a little 'title with the idea of \u200b\u200bangels of evil, as if they fell from a paradise in childhood is perhaps the legacy of crime, like the protagonists of Romanzo Criminale and here you can taste a kind of ideal and imaginative appeal of the director Placido at its own cinema and shows how uncomfortable he loves diving into stories, though not always with good results, but certainly not attributable to the will of apology, as deemed by more, a man who at the time of villainy has a way of life and whose He and others, have paid expensive consequences, but simply to look for in a writing style that seems to find its way right through a recreation of "gender", which always seemed to have lost here.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Get Cat Poop Off Concrete Floors

Hello all, I wanted to thank you for the sweet wishes that you left me in previous posts, made me really happy and therefore I thought I'd give you these little patterns found in a very nice blog that was suggested to me by Carla (besides the blog is teaching me a lot of other things with infinite patience, if you want to go see his blog ... his work, Bruno and Brigitte are really very beautiful).
I thought it was right to ask the owner of the blog if I could take them and post them on my blog even if they were free ... and so I did ... I translated with google translate and then sent mail ...
Dear told me that I could do and so here are a place for you and consequently to introduce you to this wonderful blog that has some very nice work and a lot of more or less large schemini free.
This is his blog:

... and those below her box ... I find them particularly attractive to bird.

!?... I'm not cute I find them beautiful ... Thanks again to

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Painkillers For Hernia

Sunday Morning Music - God's own producer

You know you have the blues first and then you play everything else. That’s like the base, that’s the chicken stock. Which it is. Blues is the basis of rock and roll. I mean that from blues came rock and roll and reggae came... aah, a whole lot of... that and bluegrass is two kinds of music that is America’s claim to fame... and country music.
(Gregg Allman, in una intervista con Paolo Vites)

T Bone Burnett, Curriculum vitae (ma c’è di più, molto di più): suona la chitarra nella Rolling Thunder Revue di Bob Dylan nel 1975 e 1976. Forma l’Alpha Band con cui pubblica un paio di buoni dischi di country-glam-rock. Pubblica diversi ottimi dischi solista tra cui l’eccellente album che porta il suo nome, nel 1986, The Criminal Under My Own Hat, 1992, e il recente Tooth of Crime, 2008. Produzioni (alcune): Los Lobos, Counting Crows, Walflowers, Tony Bennett, Natalie Merchant, kd lang, Alison Krauss e Robert Plant, Elton John, BB King, Elvis Costello, Secret Sisters, John Mellencamp, Cassandra Wilson, Gillian Welch, Bruce Cockburn, Kris Kristofferson, Jakob Dylan. Gregg Allman. Colonne sonore, tra le tante: O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Nota : i dischi da lui prodotti hanno spesso vinto Grammy e venduto milioni di copie.

Nota mia It is the largest U.S. producer since Phil Spector. Everything he touches becomes shining gem. Imagine an album of Bob Dylan produced by him.

Now he did with Gregg Allman . The brand new Low Country Blues is the best thing that the leader of the Allman Brothers Band has had the time of Brothers and Sisters of ABB (1973 ...). T Bone Burnett could only make it look like Gregg Allman a sort of Ray Charles, and that Gregg was already one of the most beautiful voices in the history of American black music. But T-Bone's has built the perfect setting, after many useless discs that the old Gregg had done: dispiego di sezione fiati alla Ray Charles ma anche Frank Sinatra; chitarre torride come non se ne sentivano dai tempi in cui Muddy Waters suonava a Chicago negli anni 50; l’Hammond di Gregg Allman finalmente in primo piano. E una selezione di canzoni sontuosa, da vecchi classici del blues a oscure rivisitazioni, fino a sciccose interpretazioni stile Fats Domino. Un disco totale. E’ questa l’arma segreta del più grande produttore della storia della musica americana dopo Phil Spector, uno che non sbaglia mai: saper individuare quali sono le canzoni di cui l’artista ha bisogno e dare loro il tocco musicale che meritano. Tutto il resto è gloria. Di T Bone burnett e di Gregg Allman che con il suo Low Country Blues mi tocca segnalarlo come un altro grandissimo disco di questo 2011 che mi porterà all’esaurimento. Troppa bella musica. Musica della domenica mattina, tiene lontani i demoni, fa scendere giù gli angeli.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Presentacion Powerpointfotos De Travestis

free patterns for you Happy birthday to me ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dr. Scholls Compression Stockings

Roma Capoccia

Ti ricordi quella strada, eravamo io e te

Io me le ricordo, le strade di Roma. Quando la scuola cominciava ancora il primo ottobre, e noi ragazzi si passava il mese di settembre a casa delle zie romane. Io mi ricordo i cartocci di olive verdi dolci giganti che così buone non ne ho mangiate mai più. E mi ricordo i supplì, nella rosticceria dietro l'angolo, che anche quelli so good to those who have never been found.

I remember her, immense Rome, the Vatican Museums and the Colosseum, the Imperial Forums and the Baths of Caracalla and the parade of sharpshooters that Sunday at Porta Pia in 1970, one hundred years after the fall of Rome papal, with my cuginone great then is gone forever. I remember a city that I was scared, so scared that I could not help but love her to death.

I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my sister who was listening to a cassette recorder strange songs, but that worried me Lilly, which it will never die, and why no teeth? Ball pen and classmates, mostly. Classmate: I remember the longing for qualcosa che ancora non avevo vissuto ma dentro al cuore sentivo inevitabilmente inconsciamente essere il mio destino. Nostalgia del futuro.

Io mi ricordo, una mattina di primavera, saltare la scuola, prendere il Ciao giallo e correre fino a Sestri Levante con l'aria fredda del mattino e il sole che sorgeva sopra la Baia del Silenzio, il cuore commosso per la belleza di sentirsi vivi in tanta bellezza. Su in motorino fino alla casa di questa professoressa, il cui figlio adesso ha l'età che aveva lei la mamma allora, ed è davvero la vita un gioco del cerchio infinito. Una professoressa che ci accoglieva sempre, noi sbandati di una generazione nata troppo tardi per il '68 e troppo presto per il '77, ma tanto riuscimmo in qualche modo a farli tutti e due, anche se male. Ci accoglieva sempre, a patto che l'indomani, va' che a scuola ci vai o telefono ai tuoi genitori. Poi tre giorni dopo eravamo di nuovo lì da lei. E io mi ricordo quella mattina che ero lì nella sua cucina di questa casa in mezzo ai boschi da cui vedevo tutto il Golfo del Tigullioe mi venivano le lacrime per la bellezza. Mentre lei preparava il caffè e la radio accesa e questa canzone, che sembrava stupida ma non lo era. Sara svegliati è primavera. E poi sta' attenta, ricordati che aspetti un bambino. Lei che scuoteva la testa, "guarda un po' ormai si dà per scontato che si può rimanere incinta che non hai manco 18 anni". E quando qualche mese dopo la ragazza dell'altra sezione, a scuola, che non aveva 18 years, came to school with the big belly, I realized then for the first time that the rock songs (okay, also the Italian ones, who have never rock at all) telling the truth, always. I remember it, and this rule still applies.

I remember that morning of the year of maturity, the night before the exams. Up all night drinking and smoking. Listen Eric Clapton, The Byrds and Bob Dylan. And the next morning at dawn in the deep blue sky a plane leaving a white streak passing through the clouds pink, and I remember I wrote my first and last poem really very Zen, "the planes leave straight radiant eternity." And the planes fly high in New York and Moscow. Night before the exams.

me I remember the streets of Rome, green olives and pastries baked in the Coliseum, and I remember that year I lost 16 years of my year at school and I wept bitter tears over ruts and Street Legal grooves under the sign of Pisces. And now I look in disbelief this reissue on CD de seng Under the Fish, "Venditti remastered" it says, and the booklet inside is also my name. Introduction by Paolo Vites. And I think that Sunday morning I have another appointment on the phone with him, I listened to that voice more than thirty years ago, battered by the recorder in the kitchen of my sister, I posed questions, and I smile when I think that now every Sunday morning at I can phone them to him to ask any questions I want the songs. So even he knows the answer, because this is right. What is the life fantastic. And somehow I knew that this would have happened, because I was already longing for the future. That certain things happen, Its Magic, It's All Happening.

And y'know, if I kissed my first girl with his hands on the cover of Alice Francesco De Gregori, and I cried with a friend who died of heroin in his hands under the cover of the sign of Pisces , means that it was fate that becomes the one who collects the words of the two principles of Rome, Campus Theorius somehow re-established between the pages of the Corriere della Sera. Good for them, that they found me, I would say to conclude cazzosamente. That all roads lead to Rome.

Hard To Swallow Lump In Throat

A new award for me and for you ...

Stylsch blogger award ... here's the prize I was given by Cecilia ceciliacavallini of the blog-thank you for that Artcraft have thought about my blog and for the sweet words that he spent on me.
These awards make me so much pleasure as I "embarrassed" because then turn them over and having to choose is, as I have said many times, a problem of plenty in the sense that everything that follows has something special and they are special and therefore choose 7, 8.10, 12 or whatever other means that are not mentioned and I'm sorry.

The rules of this award are:
1.Ringraziare the person who awarded
2.Share 7 things about me.

of me I can tell you:
-love watching animated movies and cartoons in general, and especially romantic ones dated Audrey Hepburn, Cary Grant and Doris Day;
-are extremely sensitive ... maybe too much (without the perhaps);
-I love animals;
-I could not live without creating,
-are romantic;
-am insecure and moody;
-believe love.

Therefore this award is turned over to you all ...
for you embroidered with delicate embroidery, but not infinite, creating masterpieces for you with your energy and bring a smile to infected via a monitor, for you who love animals and try to help in any way, for you who a piece of cloth, a ball of wool or some color you can do magic ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Unhandled Exception:c0000005 Gta

boxes you ...

Boxes brings teabags ...

thank all the people who in some way or putting the banner in your blog, doing a post or thinking of creating something and then send it to Anna are helping to raise funds for abandoned kittens in need of care of Udine in Anna deals with love and commitment.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ulcer On My Lip Piercing

Tron Legacy

Tron Legacy is trying, perhaps late compared to the forerunner of his predecessor to speak of a reality, that of the computer world from the inside, which is now gutted, discharged and available in every way.
a surefire way to attract part of the public in the past that Tron had found an object of worship at the time misunderstood o non apprezzato come la Disney si sarebbe aspettata, anche perché lontano dai soliti canoni estetici del proprio cinema per famiglie, e in parte per attrarre una nuova generazione di spettatori appassionati di videogiochi e potenzialmente incuriosita dalla tecnologia 3D, che per fortuna non è eccessivamente fastidiosa alla visione.
Il risultato visivamente è ineccepibile, ma la storia, per quanto fruibile anche senza aver visto il precedente capitolo, non riesce a coinvolgere più di tanto, nonostante l'impegno profuso nei riferimenti culturali ad una contrapposizione di filosofie di pensiero e di visione di mondi, che per quanto altri, trovano una connessione anche con il nostro.
Sequenze come l'inseguimento delle moto virtuali immagine simbolo del primo Tron , in questo caso seppur riadattate e riviste secondo le esigenze e le tecnologie a disposizione dell'industria cinematografica, contenutisticamente non spostano più di tanto il discorso interno, perdendo forse per strada aspetti che nel precedente film apparivano figli del loro tempo e della visione fondante che rivestivano i creativi per i programmi informatici stessi. Questa volta il discorso sembra essere meno stringente e forte, seppur il percorso intrapreso dal nostro eroe rispecchi i canoni classici della fabula come la s'intende nel suo aspetto archetipico, al cui interno la contrapposizione tra bene e male, tra creatore e angelo caduto, dominatore di un mondo apparentemente perfect, are opposed in a struggle that has the flavor of the mists of time, but despite the interesting soundtrack with Daft Punk, the product as spectacular, this time can not be so significant and innovative as its parent.
A product enjoyed by fans of the genre, but that does not seem to be at work or anticipating a cornerstone of cinema to come, but only time will tell us as to its precursor, increased with time and through a sense of nostalgia for a technology now definitely outdated, but was able to see far beyond our expectations.

Patients With Follicular Lymphoma

To the valley below (one more cup of coffee ) Fluoxetine

The streets of Milan early Sunday morning like those the day after. Nothing and no one, even dirt lot. Gray sky. Like that day three decades ago that, back home after school, on a gray day, gray listening to the radio, I heard a song by an unknown singer. He sang to himself one more cup of coffee before going down the valley down below. The DJ explained that it was recorded in New York and New York for me since that day there was always the gray sky gray although when I went to New York I found some great sunny days.

A gray sky gray even after I found that I lost in what is called the "low", the countryside outside Milan, Pavia. I was looking for a farmhouse where he was to hold a concert and ended up in a tiny little bar run by a thousand year old woman. That gave me a strange elixir, probably drugged, and put me on track. There was nobody around that day, in the lower. As this morning on the streets of Milan. Like that girorno in Chiavari, or New York. Because the low-lying, low, in short, the lowlands are everywhere. The lowlands are a state of mind and heart.

The other night, or rather night, when I listened to the song Little Cheap Paintings of an Italian group, I was torn into that gray sky. Like when I listened that song about another cup of coffee before continuing his journey to the lowlands, excuse me, the valley down below. There are few songs that pierce the sky, but thank God we have and are still there. Cheap Little Paintings picocla is fragile and the paintings just as the price of which you speak, but it is a precious song. That piano melody that pluck an old and well known, lost and found, the singer's voice that folds on itself but at the same time is strong and vigorous. "As these prayers launched at the sky, like a kiss in a bar late at night, such as letters never sent, such as mobile silent, still hung there, never left you alone." Mmm. How true. In Ralt nothing passes, everything remains in the objects that have collected the eyes that are placed above them.
How wonderful life of lies, Life's Beautiful Lies lyrics prior to that, so full of remorse and sadness. That voice, that voice that rips. The delicious riffs of guitar, violin and accordion polverosi.La total solitude of he Left. Treasure and store.

They call themselves - is not an accident, nothing ever happens by chance - Lowlands, the lowlands low. They come from Pavia - it is no coincidence, and perhaps thousands of years old know it too - and have a really great Italian band. Forgive them if sometimes the atmosphere in certain scvilano all american Springsteen , I can not bear anymore, but if they go right, all right, too. The disc is Gypsy Child, has just been released, the singer is called Edward Abbiati and is one that knows her. Can afford to sing in English because he was born in England, I seem to have understood, or something like that. However has a "voice" and that's enough. He knows his stuff, i know the Lowlands fattoloro and it is good that there are still so in Italy band. To combat the gray skies gray, to listen to before getting another cup of coffee. Before going into the valley below.

(The video below is not a song the new album, but this restaurant in London once I got drunk like a whore with my friend James K.; them, the Lowlands, but we have played. So you see, nothing happens by accident)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hefty Baggies Sandwich Bags

a special place ...

I'm back with a new post ...
a particular place and other than that where I showed what I create.

Last night wandering around my blog came across the blog of Anna, are usually affected by photos, embroidery works, furniture and shabby rooms, etc. ... this time I focused on what was written:

friend ....
In the village where I live there is a colony of cats.
kittens are just some sick, abandoned by other children who do not want the litter.
We started to feed them, to cuddle, to treat them.
But we need help. Kittens in need of medicines and must be sterilized ...

... So we decided to organize a flea market to raise funds. Unfortunately I'm the only one of the hobbyist!

These few lines made me think and I immediately thought about how I could make it useful even though they do not live near ...

First I thought I'd make a post (and I'm doing:)), to send something to increase its market for Anna since she is the only one of the volunteers that creates (and having a baby a few months, no I even have a very long time) and then to involve
you who follow me in this initiative that I believe deserves.

So for those who want to contribute enough to go in Anna's blog ... and get in touch with her.
I'm sure many of you will contribute to the success of this market ... we are many, many of us have furry friends at home.
... with a little help we can give to those less fortunate than our ...

Below is the link to the blog of Anna:
(Or click directly on the kitten in the photo)

Thanks ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fifty Dollar Prom Dresses

sunshine award

little while ago I found out I was rewarded by Kiki , really a pleasant surprise.

I was really pleased to receive this award especially for the reasons she gave for giving me a choice between other blog ... really sweet and nice ...

And now we move on to simple rules that this award "requires" or rather suggests (The term I like much more):

1. Post thank our honored those who have
2. Write a post for the prize
3. Increased to 12 blogs that we think deserve
4. Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen
5. Telling awarded

As always when deciding who to give it a block ... I honestly passed it to you all ... I think it is natural and logical to have "preferences" with someone ... then I also bound and there is a dialogue that goes beyond the blog with some other mail ... only with some trade and other comments maybe even those ... but each of you as I have said many times with his blog, his I shall post company and gives me a lot of suggestions and ideas fueling my imagination.

This award goes to: Carla , Silvia , Heidi Federica , Mari , Heather, Catherine , etc etc etc ... that is, to all who follow me (it would be impossible to list them all) in a short time you become very much.

For this reason I put at the disposal of those who have time and want to take it and share it and thank you again Kiki for thinking of me and my blog.
Thanks ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How To Train Chinchilla In A Ball

be mine tonight

It 's the new PJ Harvey. What was the new Patti Smith. They say around, but as PJ Harvey is not a hair of Patti Smith, ignore the foolishness of others. It seems to me Nick Cave who became a woman. In any case, I care very much. It 'weird, scary, sexy, heartbreaking. Nightmare. So I like it. E 'disturbing, especially. It 's a woman in love saying "I want to be your man." Then we make a song called Desire, and for me everything is "desire" is ok. And 'the devil, Satan feels the presence of here and there, but obviously since there's a song called The Devil. He plays very well the guitar, a style worthy of Nick Cave in its heyday, not the faux-hick Grinderman. Are air chamber, but rock. Operatic music insane. It has a beautiful voice.

Well, I do not know what to say about this record, he had understood. But if things come in threes, and this is the third big hit of 2011 and we are still at January 12, I expect a kind of fear soon. Meanwhile his album which is titled as her Anna Calvi (English to Italian father) to take the advice to small doses. I sleep away if I listen to all of a sudden.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Justerini & Brooks 20

Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes

" It's Almost Like a Bob Dylan / Bruce Springsteen / Johnny Cash kind of feel with a punk edge "
(Mike Ness)

The year 2011 could not better start. Before the new Decemberists (who listened well dvvero is a great record), now the new Social Distortion . In other words: the kindness rural violence underground. I love and adore Social Distortion Mike Ness. The first, when I saw them live a couple of years ago, the second time since I listened to his solo work. Then went to retrieve all the records of SD (which is the band of Mike Ness, of course).

The Social Distortion are now one of the last (last?) Pure rock'n'roll band, but they sound as if a group of criminals of the era of the Great Depression had at our disposal of electric guitars. The new album, Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes is a eslosione joy of rock'n'roll: the initial instrumental Road Zombie, that Sergio Leone would have gladly used for one of his films if he were still alive in California (Hustle and Flow) that reproduces the exact point where they thought the Stones Honky Tonk Women. And obviously Hank Williams: After riprieso Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash in the past, here is another symbol of imprenscindibile SD, Hank Williams with his Alone and Forsaken. A hard explosive, played recklessly, with the nice surprise of a female chorus here and there to flesh out music that throws everything into a boiling cauldron is "America."

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rendering 3ds Max On 2 Xeons


Surely one of the most interesting films of the past year, recovered with considerable delay due to a distribution that has made so much invisible as expected, given the previous and most successful Louise - Michel , which would have technology to disperse greater visibility, given the presence of a body such as Depardieu film immeasurably.
Actor race, chameleon and an essential element of French cinema, together with the directors dedicated the film to the missing son and gives us a delicate role, fun and meaningful as this tale that the inconvenience of the fund, primarily the very form of his narrative, made up of episodes and characters grotesque, and denouncing a photograph resigned perhaps the limited resources available, or a certain way.
Mammoth is a film about the end of work on retirement and on a working world where social solidarity is ideal as an outdated and contrary to the principles of a new reality in which Mammoth (Gerard Depardieu) itself is a being which should be settled, but perseveres in his bike as his research and discovery, through a past not so rosy, with a will to live can also beyond the dedication to work that would ennoble and make us all recognize ' Internal company to which we belong. Film
apparently less mordace rispetto al precedente, nella sua raffigurazione scomoda della realtà, attraverso una deriva più sentimentale e malinconica, ma che non rinuncia a descrivere e criticare a suo modo con coscienza e ironia il mondo che ci appartiene e per questo si esce da questa visione con uno spirito rattristato e forse un po' affranto, più meditabondo del solito, coscienti di ciò che si è visto e fruito, consapevoli di una visione significativa, grazie a Depardieu che riempie veramente lo schermo e non si spaventa nel mostrarsi nel suo decadimento edonistico.
Film che spiazza e che disturba, diverte e impensierisce, ma che lascia comunque soddisfazioni a chi sa apprezzare e guardare al di là della superficie delle immagini e dello directorial style more or less acceptable, but at the moment is a breath of fresh air in this season's cinematic visions and work with others to retrieve.

Ca Grant Deed From Trust To Individual


Clint Eastwood is a film classic, its direction is characterized by what might be called the invisible assembly of a typical American cinema of the early days, unlike the next one in which the deadlift and they have become a virtuoso and stylistic often used inappropriately, intended to cover empty of meaning and significance of which the cinema is often found to suffer, so much so that the American has become a standard proof per la critica mondiale, eppure questa volta non sono rimasto impressionato come in altri contesti affrontati dal nostro autore.
Sicuramente il tema di partenza e il modo di affrontarlo mi lasciavano perplesso ancor prima di affrontarne la visione, perché la morte è uno dei grandi tabù cinematografici, non perché m'infastidisca parlarne o vederla rappresentata per quanto possibile sullo schermo, ma perché non è facile affrontarla con argomenti che non rischino di prendere una piega più o meno di parte o banale.
La figura del sensitivo era sicuramente quella che più mi suscitava perplessità, anche se Matt Damon appare credibile nella sua sofferenza, nella sua dannazione eterna di visioni di morte che Eastwood non accentua come qualunque altro regista avrebbe fatto in maniera scontata, esaltando il lato soprannaturale delle sue percezioni extrasensoriali.
Il regista alterna tre vicende che toccano aspetti della nostra realtà significativi e determinativi, alternandole tra loro per poi dover trovare in ogni caso un punto di raccordo per le stesse e un afflato di speranza dopo tanta sofferenza, che non viene accentuata e caricata emotivamente in maniera eccessiva, perché Eastwood conosce il senso della misura, ma forse sono le storie in se stesse a non riuscire più di tanto ad andare oltre quella domanda che ad un certo punto è balzata nella testa di un mio amico: ma adesso Eastwood ci porterà a qualcosa? Ecco, è questa la sensazione che credo emerga dopo un certo lasso di tempo e che evidenzia l'aspetto teorico del regista, più o meno condivisibile, che crede in una possibilità oltre la vita, ma questo punto nodale che urge come domanda per la giornalista francese scampata allo tsunami, sembra una presa di posizione che non trova un vero confronto dialettico neppure con il suo compagno e che dimostra un'unilaterale opinione del regista, che giustamente dopo aver scelto di morire cinematograficamente come attore è come se si chiedesse come possa essere la vita a questo punto della sua tappa esistenziale e anche forse cinematografica.
Il tema della morte pare ricorrere inevitabilmente in autori contemporanei come Allen e Eastwood, seppur affrontata con toni diversi, come is in the strings of the two directors, but this time the second did not convince myself as in his other previous works and the same does not arise out of the ordinary to habit or to be critical against the unanimous and cheering, but simply because as a spectator and lover of the director, this time it was not found in the approach to a topic that despite its age it is closely related to how all of us, more or less consciously.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper

2011 Rosie ...

I'm back after the Christmas holidays, which unfortunately has ended ... but we know they expect a lot and then instantly go away ... but as I always say beauty is perhaps in this lasted so long ... if not the 'await with much enthusiasm.

But I'm not here to talk about Christmas or the melancholy passing but leaves the new guest house ... George had called him until he was canned, but now saw his way of moving its delicacy and almost careless I Rosie folded up ... hard to guess who or what might be but I can tell you it is very useful, I fell in love at first (almost) view and are delighted that came into my house.
Rosie ... because I immediately remembered the cartoons that I loved ...

i Jetson o pronipoti...fantastici...George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, il cane Astro e il capo Spacely...erano troppo belli e loro avevano tutte queste cose roobotiche per casa... e soprattutto Rosie la cameriera robot un pò sbadatella.
Ora ce l'ho pure io l'aspirapolvere robot che mentre ricamo girovaga per casa aspirando quintali di peli di gatto, cane e pure coniglio gia che ci siamo....e lo fa davvero in modo incredibile, tornando alla base quando ha terminato il suo lavoro.

Ecco, nessun ricamo o lavoro, anche se ho quattro scatole porta bustine di te in lavorazione ma semplicemente volevo rendervi partecipi del mio entusiasmo per il mio ultimo acquisto.

Usually at the end of the post I thank you for the sweet comments you leave, this time more than usual thanks to add that I touched the sensitivity of some of you ... believe me that is also perceived through the your blog. A special thought goes to
Francesca, which was made yesterday morning ... I hope he recovers soon ... Hugs to you and to all of you.
PS: sorry if I went to leave comments on your blog these days, but between the flu and things have not been much to the PC.