Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Castle Craft Sailboats Sunchaser

Vallanzasca - angels of evil

almost makes you defend the new film by Placido perché frutto di polemiche a priori, da parte di soggetti che il film non l'hanno nemmeno voluto vedere, perché lontano dagli schemi e dagli schermi della produzione televisiva nostrana, che quasi irritano e dimostrano come il nostro sia un paese dedito allo scandalo e al falso dibattito perché fondato su basi spesso fittizie e gratuite.
Placido aderisce al suo personaggio completamente, restituendoci quello che era Vallanzasca secondo la rappresentazione immaginifica che ne è ricavabile da quegli anni, in cui è stato il nemico pubblico nr. 1 del nostro paese e forse per questo non gli viene perdonata l'incapacità o la non voluta analisi delle ragioni e della psicologia di un uomo che ha compiuto delle scelte, con conseguenze mortali for its victims.
assist in the staging of a man defiant, humorous, beautiful, smart, power-hungry as any gangster for excellence and these are aspects of the character degrees, clear, which could by just consolidating the idea that it was the right fight against it and all the more justified the suffering of those affected by his criminal actions, which largely denies to give others, though not so clearly.
film could be called a partisan? Maybe, in part for adhering to the image portrayed iconic film director and author of the screenplay and dialogues (including the same Kim Rossi Stuart) have drawn from the reports of the time and reference texts, which ranks the same autobiography Vallanzasca, partly for his portrayal of Kim Rossi Stuart, which absorbs and steals the show, which finds a counterpart in actor Filippo Timi, tragic figure, which helps to raise create the right tension and pathos in the dramatic moments that matter, in a story that has the feel of a film genre actually not prone to the prevailing taste of television and cinema styles to adeguantesi spectator apathy.
A movie not perfect in many ways, some already seen above, others in the course of the narrative, emotions staged and that some steps may be too strong sympathy towards the character, but that was blamed in part to the prevalence of the icon on the message and image Vallanzasca real man.
Stone, finally, a little 'title with the idea of \u200b\u200bangels of evil, as if they fell from a paradise in childhood is perhaps the legacy of crime, like the protagonists of Romanzo Criminale and here you can taste a kind of ideal and imaginative appeal of the director Placido at its own cinema and shows how uncomfortable he loves diving into stories, though not always with good results, but certainly not attributable to the will of apology, as deemed by more, a man who at the time of villainy has a way of life and whose He and others, have paid expensive consequences, but simply to look for in a writing style that seems to find its way right through a recreation of "gender", which always seemed to have lost here.


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